the whiteforest hotel
Laura Christina B Vallenes, Kristina Knaben Hennestad, Morten Liene, Tuva og Sofie Takvam Grendstad Musikk: Leon Muraglia
multi-room sound installation / theatre piece at Eg Psychiatric Hospital, Sørlandets Sykehus, Kristiansand 2012.
photos by Arild Danielsen
Blonde, pigtailed 6-year old twins meet you from the train and lead you past the car crash through many different rooms and scenes, involving storytelling, lighting, darkness, music and audio and even smell. I made some lounge music for the reception, some melancholy piano music for the outdoors scenes and some of the rooms and rigged up speakers in the (disused) spaces above that played tiny, almost imperceptible sounds down to the audience below: whispers, intakes of breath, groans, dragged chairs…this was a LOT of fun.