In my studio, The Wibbly Wobbly Workshop, we fix, mix, and create all types of audio, from sound installations to films to corporate videos.
I am also a live soundtech, currently based at Goldie, Oslo.
Brief bio:
I began playing classical guitar at the age of 8, then electric guitar aged 10 and became interested in electronic music and audio aged 12 and from there pursued a career combining electric guitar and electronics. I now work as composer, producer and sound design/mixer.
I founded the Kosmische Club in London in 1996, a centre for krautrock-based experimental music.
I moved to Norway in 2005 and played keyboards and guitar for the Norwegian band Salvatore between 2005-2009, playing on the album "Days Of Rage", which won a Spellemannspris (Norwegian Grammy) in 2007.
In 2012 I began a collaboration with the German composer Hans-Joachim Roedelius and in 2013 recorded with Keith Levene (The Clash, Public Image Limited) and Ted Parsons (Killing Joke, Prong, Swans). In 2015 I recorded with Gary Lucas (Captain Beefheart, Jeff Buckley, Nick Cave). In 2017 I began a new recording project, Supersymmetry. Project Orange and Blue began in 2021.
ARTS (selected):
(2023+2024) Calma Be Good - in collaboration with Loop By Laura in Kristiansand, Norway.
(2021) Ghosting Glacier – recording and composition made from sounds from Nigaardsbreen, Jostedalen, as part of a film, ambient music and contemporary dance performance https://www.kosmische.org/projects/ghostingglacier
(2021) Ghost in the Machine – 3 guitarists, with effects, and 1 visual artist, synchronised with an app generating words as inspiration: being an instant artist on the spot is the point here. Concerts streamed and live. https://www.kosmische.org/projects/ghosts
(2020) Absence series of performances and installation from March to November 2020: SKMU; Kristiansand. https://www.facebook.com/events/654263191847218/
(2019) Highway Honey, Hovden, Norway https://www.loopbylaura.com/artists/#/highway-honey/ https://youtu.be/hd-DOYlwXys
(2018) Vid Og Klar Contemporary dance performances with Karen Foss, kfqw, March 2018, Oslo
(2017) Anne Franks Søsken Kilden Teater, Kristiansand, Arendal Kulturhus, tour throughout Norway 2017 + 2018 https://kilden.com/forestilling/anne-franks-ssken/
(2017) Your Blue Ocean 4 performances, 2016. multi-speaker composition and performance in Norway's biggest swimming pool complex, Kristiansand. http://www.scenekunst.no/sak/svanesang-i-basseng/
(2017) Poteter Har Ingen Vinger Kilden Teater, Kristiansand, Sep 2017 + school tour, Oct+Nov 2017 https://kilden.com/forestilling/poteter-har-ingen-vinger/
(2016) Kjarlighetsbrev-til-Kollektivtransporten: composition, Kilden Teater http://www.kilden.com/Billett-og-program/Programoversikt/Kjarlighetsbrev-til-Kollektivtransporten
(2015) Immersive London: music + sound design (Great festival in Shanghai)
(2015) Cities and Memory: Il Mare Di Sicilia (> Sicily, navigate) http://citiesandmemory.com/
(2014) Elidas Ocean Sørlandets Kunstmuseum: 5 daytime performances based on Ibsen's work https://laurachristinabvallenes.blogspot.com/2014/?view=classic
(2013) 'Semper Fi' theatre piece: music composition and sound design
(2013) "The Silence of Leaving" music composition
(2013) short film by Bjørn Engvig about the works of Olav Christopher Jenssen at the Henie Onstad centre, Oslo https://hok.no/utstillinger/olav-christopher-jenssen
(2013) "Soundsprinkle" sound installation, Avant-Garde Festival, Germany with FAUST. http://www.avantgardefestival.de/#home
(2012) The Whiteforest Hotel multi-room sound installation / theatre piece at Eg Psychiatric Hospital, Sørlandets Sykehus, Kristiansand 2012. https://www.kosmische.org/projects/whiteforest
(2011) Darkness at Noon sound installation with Mariken Kramer at Trøndelag senter for samtidskunst, Trondheim, Norway. Shown at New Screen, Newcastle, UK September 2011
(2012 + 2017) Cities And Memory is a great project where artists upload + reinterpret recordings of places: as they say: "Cities and Memory is a global field recording & sound art project that presents both the present reality of a place, but also its imagined, alternative counterpart – remixing the world, one sound at at time. Mine was Sofienbergparken, Oslo https://citiesandmemory.com/2014/03/139/
(2010) Fishing For Love Tjuvholmen, Oslo, Harstad Dance Festival, Vestfoldfestspillene, Tonsberg and Risør Kammermusikkfest. outdoor dance piece with Ella Fiskum and Sudesh Adana, based on Stravinsky's ‘The Firebird’
(2010) DRE New Delhi Feb 2010 and Norwegian National Opera and Ballet Oct 2010. 60min composition + performance for the contemporary dance group House of Damini with Ella Fiskum Danz. Also 1 week residency at TOPIC, Tolosa, Spain https://www.kosmische.org/projects/dre
RELEASES (selected):
(2024) AYKA - album mix, to be released in 2025
(2023) Maskros Trio - recording and mix, traditional Norwegian songs for EP release
(2022) EL/NeUe EL / NeUe remix: Ich Bin Krank (Wilkommen, Herr Doktor remix) https://youtu.be/l_Yq8CPh0Yk
(2020) Mark Steiner and his Problems: single: bass, producer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCE5pbqS8nw
(2020) Superposition: composer, producer.
(2018) remix for Alf Folmer: remix https://youtu.be/c_FxysFtemk
(2017) Yobrepus, 'Blakc Mould' album: producer, bass http://yobrepus.net http://furuberget.no
(2017) Project Paperclip album: bass, effects
(2017) Dark On Tuesdays (remix) https://www.facebook.com/darkontuesdays
(2017) Sweet Like Chili remix https://www.facebook.com/SweetLikeChili
(2017) Mayflower Madame remix https://www.facebook.com/mayflowermadame/
(2016) Radio 9 track on Metronomicon compilation
(2016) Radio 9 track on Beatservice compilation
(2016) remixes for Whalesharkattacks: here is one https://soundcloud.com/whalesharkattacks/tinydinosarz-radio-9-up-tempo-remix
(2015) 'Ubi Bene' 2 x gatefold vinyl with Hans-Joachim Roedelius
(2014) 'Learn To Walk Through Walls' EP with Radio 9 https://tidal.com/browse/album/30844527
(2013) remix for Listening Mirror Role: remixer http://listening-mirror.bandcamp.com/album/the-heart-of-the-sky-expanded-and-remixed-cd-edition
(2013) ‘Powder Projections’ album with Keith Levene (ex-PiL, The Clash), Ted Parsons (Swans, Killing Joke) and Zach Gene Betts. Role: Musician (bass) Recordings released 2016
(2012) work with Thea Glenton Raknes in Oscar-winning producer Paul Epworth's Wolftone studios, London, UK (Adele, Florence + The Machine, Bloc Party, etc.). producer, guitar, bass.
(2011) ‘Endless Streams of Light’, album with Radio 9 – Oslo-based electronica band release on oblong•••records. Vocals, guitar, electronics, songwriter. https://tidal.com/browse/album/40273533
(2011) ‘Damo Suzuki Is Staying At My House’ – single with Radio 9 "Damo Suzuki Is Staying At My House" by Radio 9 as part of 'Metronomicon compliation 5.0'. electronics, guitar, vocal. https://tidal.com/browse/album/40273533
(2008) Avanti! track (flexible tips) on Skweee compilation "Museum Of Future Sound 2" https://boomkat.com/products/museum-of-future-sound-vol-2
(2007) ‘Days of Rage’ album with Salvatore on Racing Junior records. Won a Spellemannspris 2007 in electronica selection. (keyboards + guitar) https://tidal.com/browse/album/457754
(2005) "Come Find Me" as part of "In a Weird Chalet", by Dacianos. production, guitar, bass, keyboards. (There Is Hope Recordings)
(2003-2005) ‘Lomax’– 2 x 7” singles and track on album for indie label 93 Records, UK.(synth, keyboards).
(2000) ‘Motorik’ 10” clear vinyl, playlisted on XFM and John Peel, Radio 1, released on UK label Enraptured Records (UK). Role: vocals, guitar, songwriter. http://www.enrapturedrecords.com/products- page/10-vinyl-ep/radio-9-motorik/
(1982-2000) releases with the bands Let's Eat Cake, Swing the Heartache and Animation. Animation made a 7” single produced by Robert Smith from The Cure, released on Smith's record label Dance Fools Dance in 1982. (vocals, guitar, songwriter) https://www.discogs.com/Animation-Frame-One/release/2267030 https://www.discogs.com/label/193298-Dance-Fools-Dance
(2019) THE PSYCHICS ( De Klarsynte) audio mix, sound design Award-winning found footage horror movie by Tomas Sem Løkke-Sørensen. https://thepsychics.movie.blog/
(2016) Minuet Music composition, sound design, audio mix https://vimeo.com/100714432
(2016) Escapement music score, sound design, audio mix https://www.kosmische.org/projects/ecapement
(2013) Eden Burning, 100mins, Toaster Productions, UK. music score + sound design
(2013) De Forurettede, 60mins, Bjørn Engvik Production https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2859495/
(2013) music + audio design for National Trust, UK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3KGyl07t3M
(2013) short film by Bjørn Engvig about the works of Olav Christopher Jenssen at the Henie Onstad centre, Oslo https://hok.no/utstillinger/olav-christopher-jenssen
(2011) ‘KinderKinder’ - a Dadi Pudumjee 3-metre high puppet performance in New Delhi, India. composer, producer, guitar, bass, keyboards and sound design. 4x15 minute pieces
(2011) ‘Insanitet’ – short film. Director: Iren Almedal Monan. Role: Composer/Sound design. http://vimeo.com/27030239
(2011) showreel for Omanovic Productions Stockholm. composition. https://www.kosmische.org/projects/crisp
(2010) Playing for Success: UK-government sponsored initiative for under-privileged kids in Britain.
(2010) Blind Children's Center, Los Angeles. Honoured to be asked to donate a track to the Blind Children’s Center in LA
(2009) "Smeltende Arktikis", 2-part documentary on TV2 Norge [2 x 47 minutes] about melting icecaps, broadcast Denmark October 2009. composition+recording (synth, electronic effects) and production of soundtrack. Broadcast TV2 Norway and Danish TV DR. https://www.kosmische.org/projects/arktis
(2007) sleeve notes for Can: "Anthology" (Mute/Spoon records)
(2006) ‘Irresistable’– short film. Role: composition / sound design.
(2006) Neu RADIO NOVA [Oslo, Norway] radio jingle
(2006) You’re Gonna Wake Up One Morning: ‘You're Gonna Wake Up One Morning’, featuring Don Letts [The Clash film-maker, Big Audio Dynamite, etc.] Best Short Video Award, Film 220, USA. Role: Music composition. IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0425660/
(2005) ‘Soundsprinkle’– open-air, multi-speaker sound installation at Schiphorst Festival, Germany, curated by German krautrock band Faust. Germany, September 2005 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faust_(band)
(2005) ringtones for Candyspace
(2005) ‘Utan tittel’– Sound installation with artist Marius Notvik at Sound of Mu, Oslo: a 4-speaker soundpiece played in tandem with Notvik’s large-scale video projections at Sound of Mu, Oslo. Role: Music/sound design.
(2004) "One Night Only" short film (Nov 2003) shown at (Portobello Film Festival, London). Role: composer.
(2003) ‘Killer Kane’ – short film by Paris Lionte http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0503109/. Role: Composer.
(2020) MCCGLC London. various promo films https://www.mccglc.com
(2019) MCCGLC London. various promo films
(2020) composition for Husbanken Norge
(2018) sound design for Immersive London https://vimeo.com/immersiveltd
(2018) 6 composed pieces for Marmalade London https://marmaladegamestudio.com
(2018) music + sound design for Helsedirektoratet, Norge https://vimeo.com/271462816
(2018) music for Kjarlighetsbrev-til-Kollektivtransporten, Kilden Teater, Kristiansand https://kilden.com/gallery/kjaerlighetsbrev-kollektivtransporten-/
(2016) composition for UEFA 2016
(2016) composition + sound design for launch of amusement park, Xiang, China through Immersive London
(2016) sound design for Aktuba Norge http://www.aktuba.no
(2015) music + sound design for Immersive London (Great festival in Shanghai)
(2015) music + sound design, Puma sports/Arsenal FC https://youtu.be/1iepNDf_bfc
(2014) Cities and Memory : Il Mare Di Sicilia (> Sicily, navigate) http://citiesandmemory.com/
(2014) Statpeds Festivalen - music composition, audio cleaning+mix
(2014) Forsvarbygg Norge - audio cleaning+mix
(2014) Lotus Formula One / Avanade - audio cleaning+mix
(2014) Novartis pharmaceuticals - audio cleaning+mix for product launch
(2014) BMW - music composition and mix for corporate launch.
(2013) Sandoz pharmaceuticals - music compostion for product launch
(2013) Ringnes - music composition, sound design + audio cleaning + mix
(2012) Flytoget - Sound design, audio cleaning and mix for corporate film.
(2012) Ernst&Young, UK - Sound design, audio cleaning and mix for corporate film
(2012) Kilbeggan Distilleries, UK - Sound design, audio cleaning and mix for corporate film.
(2012) BMW - Sound design, audio cleaning and mix for corporate film.
(2011) Amnesty Sverige – composition, recording and sound design for Amnesty Sweden for Omanovic Productions, Stockholm.
(2011) KIA motors, UK – composition, sound design, audio cleaning and mix for corporate dealer launch of 2 new cars.
(2009) NRK TV-Aksjonen ‘CARE’ (6 and 8-hour charity telethons): composition+ recording of main theme, credit sequence and background music. https://www.kosmische.org/projects/tvaksjonen
(2009) ‘Cheeky Monkeys’ – sound design, audio cleaning and mixing for cartoon 'Cheeky Monkeys',
(2009) Property Matters - sound design, audio cleaning and mixing (Channel4 UK)
(2008) Greggs, UK - Sound design, audio cleaning and mix for corporate film
(2008) John Lewis, UK - Sound design, audio cleaning and mix for corporate film.
(2007) NRK TV-Aksjonen ‘Sammen for Barn’. [broadcast October 2007, NRK 1]: composition+ recording of main theme, credit sequence and background music. https://www.kosmische.org/projects/tvaksjonen
(2006) NRK TV-Aksjonen ‘Leger uten grenser’: composition+ recording of main theme, credit sequence and background music. https://www.kosmische.org/projects/tvaksjonen
(2005) NRK TV-Aksjonen ‘Drømmefanger’. composition+ recording of main theme, credit sequence and background music. https://www.kosmische.org/projects/tvaksjonen
(2004) Discovery Channel: 'Northern Lights' and 'Rocketman' series of 2,3 and 4 min fillers and 1-hour documentaries, broadcast periodically since 2004. https://www.kosmische.org/projects/discovery
CONCERTS (selected):
(2020) Absence series of performances and installation from March to November 2020: SKMU; Kristiansand. https://www.facebook.com/events/654263191847218/
(2017) live performance with Damo Suzuki (from Can) at Revolver https://www.facebook.com/events/1721562394826622/
(2016) gig with Martin Bisi, legendary producer https://www.facebook.com/events/1768705560049622/
(2016) Radio 9 KlubbØya gig https://www.facebook.com/events/1723318154590427/
(2016) music for Veronica Vallenes (Oslo Runway - formerly Oslo Fashion Week) http://www.veronicabvallenes.com
(2015) concert in Paris with HJ Roedelius http://www.petitbain.org/ROEDELIUS-MURAGLIA-TURZI?date=2015-11-07
(2015) Looplooploop performances with Laura Christina B Vallenes at SKMU in Kristiansand throughout January http://laurachristinabvallenes.blogspot.no
(2015, Radio 9)
March 19: Komedia, Brighton http://tinyurl.com/k5odh9u
March 20: VINYL, London http://vinyldeptford.co.uk/
March 21: Club Motorik, The Windmill Brixton https://www.facebook.com/events/1532436093705324
(2014) music + sound design live, for the ever-wonderful Laura Christina B Vallenes http://laurachristinabvallenes.blogspot.no
(2014) Radio 9 gigs in Sweden + very short UK trip
(2014) Radio 9 gig, Revolver, Oslo with Nissenmondai on June 5 link Musikkensdag gig June 7 at Blå and gig at Ingensteds on June 9th
(2014) music + sound design performance of Ellidas Ocean, Sørlandets Kunstmuseum [LINK]
(2014) guitar performance with Martin Powell at PolyFøkt Festival Oslo, Norway
(2014) laptop performance in abandoned theatre with Looplooploop theatre group of Fruen Fra Havet (based on Ibsen text) at Red Box / Blue Box Festival, Kristiansand, Norway
(2014) performance with Hans-Joachim Roedelius at More Ohr Less Festival, Lunz, Austria. http://www.more-ohr-less.at/
(2013) chose 'sound-carrier' musicians in band and played bass with Damo Suzuki (Krautrock legend, ex-Can) at Revolver, Oslo. completely improvised 120-minute concert. Also in band: Ted Parsons, drums (ex- Swans, Killing Joke, Keith Levene), Reine Fiske (Motorpsycho, Dungen) Daniel Meyer Grønvold, guitar (Moon Relay).
(2013)‘The Silence of Leaving’ Performance in Kristiansand, November 2013. Role: musician (electronic). With Looplooploop.
(2013) chose 'sound-carrier' musicians in band and played bass with Damo Suzuki (Krautrock legend, ex-Can) at Revolver, Oslo. improvised 120-minute concert. Mark Francombe, guitar (ex- Cranes); Ted Parsons, drums (ex- Swans, Killing Joke, Keith Levene), Ådne Meisford, synth (120 Days); Christian Næss, drums (Far From Tellus + Radio 9); Daniel Meyer Grønvold, guitar (Moon Relay).
(2013) ‘Not just an Angel’ in Kristiansand Domkirke. Performance based around the feminist author Camilla Collett's Anniversary in January 2013. Role: musician (electronic). Support from Kristiansand and Agder and Telemark bishopric.
(2012) With Hans-Joachim Roedelius at Kosmische Clubs event in September, Corsica Studios, London, UK. As musician (synth, laptop)
(2010 – 2012) ‘Fishing for love’ - outdoor contemporary dance performance with Ella Fiskum og Sudesh Adana as part of the Elvefestivalen in Drammen, 2012; Festspillene in North-Norway (Harstad) Vestfoldfestspillene (Tønsberg) and Risør kammermusikkfestival in 2011, and at Tjuvholmen i Oslo i 2010. Role: musician - live synthesizer, and electronic effects and composition. Based on Stravinskys‘The Firebird’. http://ellafiskumdanz.com/projects/fishing-for-love-live-edition/concept/
(2010-2012) ‘The Oslo Experiment’ – interactive electronic connection and sound installation. First performed at Elvelangs Festival in Oslo in 2010, at Dansens Hus in May 2011 and at the ‘On the Edge of Wrong’ Festival in Cape Town, South Africa in February 2012. Role: Sound designer/programmer and live effect producer. Supported by FFUK og Norsk Kulturråd.
(2011)‘The Whiteforest Hotel': living theatre performance at Eg psychiatric hospital, Kristiansand. Role: composer and sound designer for multi-speaker, multi-room theatre piece. With LoopLoopLoop. http://whiteforesthotel.blogspot.no/ Supported by Cultiva Ekspress Kunst (CEK) and Vest-Agder Fylkeskommune.
(2009-2010)‘DRE’ 60-minute performance at The Norwegian Opera and Ballet, October 2010, The Kamani Auditorium, New Delhi, India January 2009, and ‘artist residency’ in Tolosa, Spania, September-October 2010. Role: musician/composer, recording and live performance with live synth and electronic effects. With Sudesh Adhana, Ella Fiskum, Aditi Mangaldas og Dadi Pudumjee, in conjunction with Damini House of Culture. http://drethree.blogspot.no/Supported by Norsk Kulturråd, FFUK, Fond for Lyd og Bilde, Utenriksdepartementet mfl
(2010) ‘Murder in the Urban Heart’: (2nd part of Murder In Dreamland at Coda 2010) composition+ recording, and live synthesizer, effects and laptop. with Loop Loop Loop: http://www.looplooploop.no/index.php/biografi http://ellafiskumdanz.com/projects/murder-in-the-urban-heart/concept/ Supported by FFUK, Fond for Lyd og Bilde og Oslo Kommune.
(2010) “Fishing For Love”: composition+ recording, live synthesizer, effects and laptop: Tjuvholmen, Oslo May 2010. outdoor dance piece with Ella Fiskum and Sudesh Adana, based on Stravinskys ‘The Firebird’.
(2010)“Kjærlighetshagen”: outdoor dance/theatre performance at Svinør, Norway. Composition+ recording, live synthesizer, effects and laptop, July 2010. Based on the book “Kjærlighetshagen” by Gerd Hennum (1879) and performed in the garden the book is based around. LOOP LOOP LOOP by Laura CB Vallenes, performed in the original garden and filmed by Rolf Steinar Bergli(2008-2010)
(2006)‘Burning Dog Orchestra’ improvised concerts in Grønland Kirke, Oslo. Member of 25-piece guitar orchestra, improvised performances in Grønland Kirke, with: Emil Nikolaisen (guitar) (Serena Maneesh), Espen Hangård (guitar),Marius Ergo (guitar), Fredrik Ness, Sevendal (guitar), Martin Powell (guitar), Øystein Sandsdalen (guitar), André Borgen (guitar), Jørgen Maristuen (guitar), Tore Stavlund (guitar), Daniel Meyer Grønvold (guitar), Jon Wesseltoft (guitar), Per Gisle Galåen (guitar). http://youtu.be/x9TO8sFZPcY
(2009) ‘Murder in Dreamland’ – 60-minute contemporary dance / performance art piece, Dansens Hus, Oslo at the opening of CODA Dance Festival, Dansens Hus, Oslo, Norway October.
Role: live synthesizer, effects and laptop. In collaboration with LoopLoopLoop og Ella Fiskum Danz. http://ellafiskumdanz.com/projects/murder-in- dreamland/concept/ Supported by FFUK, Norsk Kulturråd og Oslo Kommune.
(2007-present) With Damo Suzuki (Krautrock-legend, ex-Can) at Blå in Oslo, as part of Øyafestivalens club-programme. Bass / keyboards. Other bandmembers: Emil Nikolaisen (Serena Maneesh), Anthony Barratt (Je Suis Animal), Per Gisle Galåen (DEL, Birds).
(2004-2008) Salvatore – concerts and TV appearances with Norwegian Spellemannspris-winners Salvatore. Balkan tour summer 2005, Spain/Portugal tour summer 2006, Måren Festival in Sognefjord 2006, Ekstremsporstsveko i Voss 2008. (keyboards/synth and guitar) http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvatore_%28band%29
(2003-2005) Lomax – keyboards / synth at London concerts and on 2 x 7" singles and concerts with UK band Lomax, with Paul Epworth (producer for Adele, Florence and the Machine, Bloc Party, etc).
(1996-2018) Concerts with band, Radio 9:(vocals/guitar) + songwriter.
(1990–2000) concerts with bands Flow Motion, Radio 9 and Cobalt Blue – mostly in London and the South-East of England. Also TV appearances in UK, Ireland, Germany, France, Belgium, Czech Republic, Sweden and The Netherlands with Belinda Carlisle, OMD and Eve Gallagher, playing guitar, some keyboards.
(1984–1990) live concerts and some recording projects with various groups including Animation, Let's Eat Cake and Swing The Heartache in South-East England: guitar, vocals and sometimes keyboards. Mostly improvised sample-based collage music with experimental edge and industrial influences. Also music and sound effects for theatre (Ifield Barn Theatre, Crawley).
DJ (selected):
(2018) Kulturhuset, Oslo
(2017) Barbican Centre, Kosmische Club, London
(2016) DJ at various parties, Ingensteds, Mono, Revolver, Oslo, Kosmische Club, London
(2015) DJ at Mono, Månefisken, Ingensteds, Kulturhuset, Osl
(2014) DJ at Mono, Mir, Oslo
(2007-2013) ‘Kosmische Club’ resident DJ every month at Revolver, Oslo
[2013] DJ at Dattera Til Hagen, Oslo
(2005-present) DJ at Mir, Oslo
(2009+2010) DJ at Airwaves Festival, Stockholm
[2010] DJ at Gloria Flames, Oslo
(2007) DJ at All Tomorrow’s Parties, Camber Sands, UK
(2006) DJ at The Old Blue Last [Vice Magazine], London, UK
(2006) DJ at Parkteateret, Oslo
(2000-2005) DJ at Resonance FM, London, UK.
(2005- 2006) DJ at Sound of Mu, Oslo
(2004) DJ at Royal Festival Hall, London UK
(2004) DJ at Victoria and Albert Museum [Shhh sound installation] London, UK